Tantric massage has many incredible benefits, but none are as popular as its ability to stir, stimulate and enhance your sexual creative energies. For most, there’s nothing quite like the sensation of sexual power and energy flowing through your body after a tantric massage. But few know that this intense and intoxicating sensation is actually the result of stirred Kundalini energy.
At the heart of all tantric massages is the intense combination of sensuality and spirituality. Key in this erotic journey is the stimulation of kundalini energy. In this post, we take a closer look at this magical, sensual ancient energy.
Kundalini energy is your sexual energy, located at the base of the spine. When you engage in a tantric experience, this energy moves upwards through your chakras until it reaches the seventh chakra — the one in your head — representing your consciousness.
In Eastern philosophy, kundalini energy is depicted as a coiled serpent (http://www.kundaliniguide.com/what-is-kundalini), and it’s useful to imagine the energy moving through the body like a coiled snake, slowly unrolling and travelling through your body to deliver an intense wave of sexual energy. Many describe this sensation as a pleasurable tingling sensation that tantalisingly builds as it travels up the spine and into the neck.
Trained in sensual massage and tantra, your beautiful tantric masseuse is a master of her craft and knows exactly how to awaken and guide your kundalini energy in accordance with ancient traditions. Incorporating elements of tantric massage into your erotic journey — including pranayama (https://www.doyouyoga.com /5-types-of-pranayama-for-beginners/) (breathing techniques) and guided visualisation — she encourages you to empty your mind of all negativity and be fully present so that you can experience every sensation in all its delicious intensity. These techniques will be paired with an erotic body-to-body massage to further heighten your arousal and encourage the most blissful and overpowering release.
As she works her magic with teasing caresses, she will push the energy up from the base of the spine, through the torso, up through the heart chakra and to the neck. The blissful sensation that this unleashing of energy creates, when properly managed, can push the energy still higher through your throat, third eye and crown chakras. A truly profound experience, your feelings will become more and more intense, and psychic or mental energy will be transformed into spiritual energy. The energy will increase in momentum under the power of your Therapist, and you will feel the waves of pleasure building up. A tantric massage stimulates the entire body and all the chakras, so you will tingle in every part of your body until you feel you just can’t take any more!
Kundalini sessions can feel a little overpowering at first — both physically and spiritually — as the sexual energy travels upwards from your body to your mind. But our masseuses are highly skilled in summoning and manipulating kundalini energy and bringing your experience into communion with theirs. Together, you will experience new realms of pleasure.
The awakening of kundalini energy is best explored with a tantric masseuse over time. We find that the greater the body and connection, the more powerful and intense the journey. As tantra practitioners, we nurture long-standing relationships with our massage clients, knowing that their experience is further enriched by enjoying tantra as a journey rather than a one-off fling. This, in turn, helps us grow as practitioners. That is not to say that you won’t experience sensual excitement or even expand your spiritual horizons with multiple tantric masseuses, but kundalini awakening is best practised over multiple sessions with a masseuse you connect well with. Fortunately, in Singapore, you have a lot of tantric masseuses to choose from, and we’ve cherry-picked the city’s finest for you.
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